Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Kisses, Hugs and Hand Sanitizer

When visiting family for my sister Angie's baby shower on 3/26/10…I learned a valuable lesson. Hand sanitizer, hand washing, repeat.

Most of my family and friends haven’t met Cali since her arrival, so I was fully expecting to have to share my precious little bug. However, with all these kisses, hugs and minimal hand washing…we ended up coming home with more than a trunk load of baby gear. She got RSV.  

What started off as a little cough that following Monday…turned into coughing attacks that led to vomiting. Having a 7 year old, we have been through the ringer with colds and sickness. But something in my gut told me that this wasn’t the regular cold. I went to the pediatrician last Thursday and she made me feel like the typical ‘first time mom’ freaking out about a cough. She sent me on my way informing me that it is ‘just a cold’ and will pass in a day or so.

I will refrain from profanity in describing this said pediatrician, but I wasn’t pleased when a few days of ‘just a cold’…turned into coughing attacks that made Cali vomit. I took her back to a DIFFERENT pediatrician on Monday, to have them discover that my mommy intuition was correct. She did in fact have RSV.

It was scary few days of constantly watching her breathing and trying to make her comfortable. She started nebulizer treatments 4 times a day that did wonders! I am happy to report that last night went much better. She did vomit from a coughing attack this morning, but sounds so much better than she did earlier this week. We have a follow up appointment today to check on her progress…I’ll keep you posted!

Nebulizer Treatments. She is such a trooper!!

Sleeping Little Bug

Tummy Time

She may be sick, but she is still darn cute!!

Big Sisters know how to make you smile

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