Friday, March 25, 2011


March is a big month:
- Today, Cali is officially {3} months old!
- I turned {3}-0 on 3/14
- Matt turns {3}-0 on 3/26
- Kaia tried {3} new vegetables this week. Trust me. This is a HUGE feat.
- {3} hours left until my FIRST week back at work is complete {yeah}
- Cali weighs 15lbs {3}oz..............and growing..........


i have THE coolest big sister EVER

mommy loves my cheeks!
"Animal Feast" aka: a way to get Kaia to eat her veggies. WIN mommy.

1 comment:

  1. I just logged on and sure enough you had posted again! (Smile) I just cannot believe how this little Cali has changed in three months from her first pictures. Keep them coming, we are enjoying keeping up with the kids! Love U Gma Karen
