Thursday, April 7, 2011

Snot Sucker

Attention Parents!!! Have a sick wee one??! Better yet…do you HAVE a wee one??! Do yourself, your sanity and your child’s wellness a favor and purchase the Nosefrida. Trust me, I wasn’t a believer…until last night.

This handy little device just kicked the blue ball hospital syringe’s A#$.

Not only can my children BREATHE, it provided an evening of entertainment. Thank you! {Also available at and}.

Need some tips? A reviewer on Amazon had this to say:

“this thing works. it sucks boogers out of noses. it even stores them in a little tube to eat later. or, you can just wash them out in the sink. works better than any of the other things we tried...and we tried pretty much everything. there's a technique to it:

- suck in quick short bursts with your mouth muscles loosen things up
- then, suck in long hoover-style bursts to get those boogies out
- if the boogies get stuck near the surface, try pulling the end of the thing out a little mid-suck a few times
- use a tissue or q-tip to get any nose goblins that are loitering anywhere accessible
- repeat

if i was a professional booger sucker...and it was my job to suck the snot out of noses 8 hours a day, i would insist on using this thing. but i would want a longer tube, and a holster.”

Below is a handy 'how to' on YouTube…

Along with the photog montage of the Nosefrida expedition with the girls…

You WILL thank me. {You are welcome and happy sucking}.

Our first attempt. NO CRYING!!

IT WORKS!! MUCH better than the blue syringe!!

Kaia wasn't so sure...

cheers to being sniffle free!

Get over here mama, it is your turn...


  1. YAY!!! I'm getting it. Justin's been using a bobby pin. Yes, a bobby pin. Dangerous I know.

  2. DO IT!!! The first few times it takes a bit to get over seeing the snot in the tube. But then you can hear your kid breathe and you get over it quickly :)
